Monday 16 May 2011

Making the most out of Microsoft

In general, I am not fond of Microsoft Office. It is too much a bedfellow of the PC for my liking.

  • It has an OCD obsession with moving the menu bars around
  • And it has pre-defined smart-arse settings that believe it knows how you want to format your paragraph better than you do
  • It does funny things to images
  • And it makes some really ugly (and stubborn) hyperlinks in the middle of a quite beautiful presentation

    BUT it must still be adored because it has monopolised the world in terms of office software. Whether you’re emailing the UK, Spain, China or Outer Mongolia, the chances are that you will be talking with someone who is using Microsoft Office. And if you just stop your whinging and tow the line, you will avoid any software conflicts and they will be able to read your documents with ease and understanding. For that, Microsoft must be respected as the out and out global winner!

    The single remaining shame about Microsoft Office is the lack of understanding that it elicits from its users. It is reported that 7.4% of the WORLD’s population uses Microsoft Office (500 million+). But, in turn, I’d be surprised if 1% of those people confidently stated that they really knew what they were doing with it.

    A key example is Microsoft Powerpoint. Powerpoint gives you the capability of creating not only professional but very effective business presentations. The animations can be extremely engaging and the transitions can be smooth. With a little bit of artistic flare you can turn a very standard meeting into something memorable. But how many times have you had to keep yourself awake with coffee because the turning of one slide of heavy text on a grey background simply leads to another slide of heavy text on a grey background?… and that toneless voice just keeps droning on… and on… and on?

    Nobody really looks forward to the part of a meeting when one business associate trades his moment in the “spotlight” with his colleague visiting from the other side of the world. But it is a missed opportunity. For all of Microsoft’s flaws, Microsoft Powerpoint is not one of them. 

    It is a common misconception that more slides = more content and the more whizzing the words do = the more impressive the pitch. 
    This doesn’t have to be the case… it is quite possible (and simple) to turn your next shareholders meeting on its head with an amazing presentation. It is indeed possible to close that crucial bid with just a little powerpoint proficiency. Add some design acumen and a healthy pinch of common sense and you'll be irresistible!

    We can create engaging powerpoint presentations that will help you to seal the deal. Contact us to learn more about our Team Support, Design and Copy-writing services.

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